Celebrating 20 Years of GANA

OVGA hosts the 20th anniversary of the Government Architects Network of Australia

Thursday 16 May 2024 at 12:54 am
GANA Architects explore Prahran Square steps.
Prahran Square. Photography: OVGA

2024 marks 20 years of the Government Architects Network of Australia.

The Government Architects Network of Australia is a formalised, national collaborative exchange. It comprises the Government Architects and Associate Government Architects from each Australian state and territory.

OVGA recently hosted the anniversary conference with our Government Architect colleagues from across the country.

We enjoyed an intensive two-day agenda of strategic discussions on emerging built environment issues, including presentations from subject matter experts.

The conference also included a networking breakfast, site visits to Prahran Square and the Bangs Street Housing Development delivered by Homes Victoria, and concluded with reflections on the many positive contributions GANA has provided over the years.

You can learn more about the Government Architects Network of Australia at https://gana.gov.au/

GANA Architects at a lunch session talking with each other
5 GANA Architects sit down for a meeting at the event
GANA Architects at the Australian Institute of Architects Melbourne chapter. Photography: OVGA
3 GANA Architects explore the rooftop balcony of Bangs St Housing Development
Rooftop of the Bangs Street Housing Development. Photography: OVGA
GANA Architects walking past the gum tree at the front entrance of the Bangs St Housing Development
Bangs Street Housing Development. Photography: OVGA
