The OVGA advises ministers, state government departments, agencies and local government on how to practically improve design outcomes for specific projects, capital works programs or broader planning initiatives.
The OVGA also offers advice on the development of business cases, feasibility studies, project scope and briefs.

The OVGA helps government to:
- make design an important part of the decision making process
- challenge poor design and understand its implications
- demand and articulate good design outcomes and how to get there.
We engage with government project teams in diverse ways, including:
- formal design review of projects via the Victorian Design Review Panel (VDRP)
- dedicated design review embedded within government project teams
- workshops to inform project requirements and solutions
- contributing advice for reports authored by other government departments.
Advice includes:
- project definition and vision
- briefing, business cases and procurement
- pre-planning and planning review
- masterplan design review
- concept design review
- design development review
- post-occupancy evaluations.
Support for Department of Planning and the Minister for Planning:
- reviewing significant projects pre-planning
- identifying benefits, disbenefits, challenges and opportunities of proposals
- supporting DTP and the Minister for Planning in negotiations and decision making
- advice on policy and city strategies.